Use Your Gun to NOT Shoot Somebody.
Most of us who carry firearms know what it means to brandish a weapon. If you pull a gun on someone you’d better be ready to shoot them. If you are not willing to follow through you could just be endangering yourself more by pulling a gun. Although just because you must be prepared to shoot an attacker if you rely on a gun to protect you, the goal is to quell the situation with no shots fired.
Criminals know that most people do not carry guns. They will not be expecting you to pull a revolver out of your belt or purse, but once they see your gun they have nothing to loose. You need to be sure you know what you are doing to be sure you have the advantage.
If you are unsure of yourself, you could find your gun being used against you in the hands of your attacker. If you appear to not know what you are doing the criminal will feel more confident about disarming you. And less concerned about you hitting him if you decide to shoot.
Almost everyone knows that most gun owners are relatively poor shots especially when stressed. An attacker will take advantage of this statistic and assume you are more likely to mis him than any other outcome.
Now, that same perp will feel a lot less sure of himself if he sees the little red dot of your laser sight hovering on his chest. The same poor shooter can become an ace when using a laser sight. Just put the dot where you want the bullet to go and pull the trigger.
This can stop an attacker cold. The chances of you missing the shot using the laser sight are next to zero compared to without it.
The point here is not that you want to shoot them, but to convince them that if you do shoot they will be hit. The majority of situations will be dissolved with no shot fired with the use of a laser sight.
This should be all of our ultimate goal, to quell the situation without having to shoot anyone or anything.
Please take a handgun safety course before you decide to carry a gun or to use one in your home. Even well trained military and law enforcement officers can make mistakes due to a stressful situation.
For more information on Gun Safety, our website is being updated with information and links about gun Education and Safety.