Twitter Updates for 2009-07-27
Want a free AK 47? Buy a new car in Missouri. Or you could just buy the rifle from me and save thousands! #
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Pirates of the New Millenium
The Blue Water Syndicate wrote about the recent acts of piracy against American ships. They had some good points: The pirates receive millions of dollars in ransom money from ship owners. I thought we didn’t negotiate with terrorists. Thats exactly what these pirates are, terrorists… These individuals are threatening the international community. Not just the [...]
Firearms Shortage
Did you ever think you’d see the day when you couldn’t buy the gun you want? I mean when it was still legal to do so. Ever since the election guns and ammunition have been flying off the shelf at retailers nation wide. Wholesale distributors are drying up and gun manufacturers are trying to keep [...]
Handgun Ban Lifted, but Seattle Still Moving for Stricter Laws
Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled the handgun ban in Washington DC to be unconstitutional. This is great news for gun rights proponents all over the country worried about possible bans being proposed in the future. Gun Control advocates still don’t get it. Here in Seattle the Mayor is still pushing for stricter gun laws limiting [...]
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Carry Your Gun to Work?
Legislators and corporate America want to make it legal for your employer to fire you if you have a gun in your car when you come to work. Not cool. I have a concealed pistol license and use it responsibly. I have the right to have a gun in my car when going to and [...]
Use Your Gun to NOT Shoot Somebody.
Most of us who carry firearms know what it means to brandish a weapon. If you pull a gun on someone you’d better be ready to shoot them. If you are not willing to follow through you could just be endangering yourself more by pulling a gun. Although just because you must be prepared to [...]